Today, the majority of things was finished off on the Earl's body was finished. The toolboxes, smoke boxes, domes and cab where glued on. I then proceeded to make those little 45 degree angles at the base of the cab.
They where made by mixing some Milliput and shaping it with a scalpel. It will be sanded smooth once it has set. The excess Milliput was put against the 'greedy boards' on the coal bunkers to put a bit of shape into the bunkers.
I then went on to trying to make some handrails. There are only two each side of the doors, these where made by cutting a staple's arms short, then gluing it into place into small 'indentations' made by turning a small drill the wrong way. I'm not going to try to make the handrails for the smoke box, it looks fine without them.
The chassis still needs its rods etc putting on. I'm just trying to find a 1/32 inch reamer for the pins! Then it needs to be tested, and finally painted where you can see it (inside of the cab).
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