Monday, December 31, 2012

Plan of Attack.

After a few weeks of not working on the layout (or not as much as the past few months) it has started all over again....
I'm not sure how many people read the 'Exhibition Information' section (or have read previous posts) but i have been invited to exhibit at Superpower, along with a few other layouts (which i have wanted to see since i first heard of it) So, i have made a list of things which i would like to do before exhibiting the layout again.
Re lay harbor station track - put the new crossover in, with catchpoint. Then connect up the track thaat leads into the slate wharff.
Build Porthmadog town - Park, buildings, pub, people, etc.
Build workshop - I'm not happy with my first attempt, so going to have anothere go, this time making it out of balsa and embossed plasticard.
Rewire boards + new controll panel - It was a pain at Warely to walk from one side of the layout to another several million times to operate the trains. This will enable the layout to be operated by 1 person from 1 location.
Build bigger fiddleyard (6ft) - Simple, bigger fiddleyard that allows more stock to be kept on the tracks. Possibly with traverser.
Wire lights and accessories - things like building lights and flashing units in the workshops wern't working at Warely, i ran out of time to wire them up. So this is something i'd like to get working at Warely.
More slate wagons - 10 full, 10 empty and a few dotted about the slate sidings.
Get Earl of Merioneth running - try to get two N drive production chassis' and wire them uo to get the Earl running.
Make 'Merddin Emrys' - in 1959 condition, Cabless with red oxide tanks. With two N drive chassis to run it.
Finish B set - finish the other carriage set, possibly in green and cream livery (1970s).
Railcar with auto shuttle - Quite self explanitory. It's something to keep the viewers interested.
Build a 'cob' board' - It's something i've allways planned on doing. The Cob is something that makes the FR what it is and since the TMRs is based on the FR, it can't be called 'inspired by the FR' without a cob! Especially since the lyout is based in that area!

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